One of the companies listed on the stock exchanges is Bank of Baroda Share Price target 2025, but it does not make a lot of money and earns a small amount of money, it has done very well, and its share price went up and down quite often, and the same is true for the demand of its shares. Recently, there has been a slight decrease in its share price, but it is expected to increase in the next few years. The company's performance in the financial sector, which is its core business, is quite good compared to the stock exchanges, and it is considered as a profitable company.
Bank of Baroda shares Price targets are currently trading at a value of INR 272.10, which is a fluctuating price and can change at any time. There has been a decrease of 1.56% in the company's previous closing price, while there has been an increase of 20.03% in the last year and 2.04% in the last 5 days. The stock exchanges are currently bullish on Bank of Baradi shares, indicating that prices are increasing from one point to the next. The current market price is 20% undervalued, indicating that there is less demand for the company's shares.
The Bank of Baroda Share Price Target 2024 is 261.29 INR; The Bank of Baroda Share Price Target 2025 is 325.55 INR.
The Bank of Baroda Share Price Target for 2026 is 349.59INR; The Bank of Baroda Share Price Target for 2027 is 374.86INR
The Bank of Baroda Share Price Target 2028 is 401.39INR; The Bank of Baroda Share Price Target for 2029 is 429.3INR; The Bank of Baroda Share Price Target 2030 is 458.52INR.
The Bank of Baroda contains a price-to-earnings ratio from the past 12 months of 6.33 percent as compared to the sector price-to-earnings ratio which is 9.58 percent.
The issue price of shares of Bank of Baroda is 230INR per equity share
Analysts predict that the Bank of Baroda Share Price Target will perform well in the future and have predicted the share prices accordingly. The bank's dividend declared in the last financial year was 5.50 INR, giving a dividend yield of 2.04%. The bank's share price forecast for 2025 is 536 INR, which is based on past and current performance. The bank's stock price forecast for 2030 is 811 INR; this is a rough estimate of the share value, which may or may not remain the same in the future. The bank has set target prices for 2024 and 2025, with 2024's target being 261 INR and 2025's target being 325 INR.
Before deciding to invest in shares of Bank of Baroda Share Price Target, it is important to consider the following factors:
Invest in shares based on your investment capabilities; do not over-invest or take out a loan to invest
Review the company's financial statements, Statements of Profit and Loss, Financial ratios, and expense ratios on the company's official website before investing
Always keep all the risk factors in mind before and after making an investment
Understand the type, category, return, and availability of the fund you are interested in investing in
Understand the tax implications of the shares as they are subject to changes in each financial year