The price of shares of a company, whether it be Berger Paint or another company, has a significant impact on its finances because only a company's reputation is built based on its Berger Paint share price target. To reduce the risk factor, a forecast of the value of the company's shares is made, which is called Berger Paint Share's future prediction. This prediction is made every 5 years. The next 5 years will be called Berger Paint Share prediction 2025, in which the share prices will be predicted until 2030. After that, a new prediction will be made, in which case the share price will be predicted until the following year when the next 5-year prediction will be made. Similarly, the Berger Paint share price target is also fixed.
The current share price of Berger Paints India Ltd stands at 587.40 INR, with an average price growth of 5.1% over the past 30 years. The Shares of the company are overvalued by 45%, indicating that the company is doing well in the market. The market capitalization of the company stands at over 69,000 crore rupees. The Net profit of the company has increased by 49.12% compared to the previous year. The average Berger Paint share price target for 2024 stands at 606.70 INR, while the average share price target for 2025 stands at 498.79 INR. The Berger Paints Share Price Target for 2026 stands at 409.67 INR, and the average share price for 2027 stands at 369.36 INR. The stock market value of the company is currently 7.9 percent higher than the closing value of the previous day. The company targets for long term.
Berger Paint Ltd has an Enterprise Value of 68,434Cr and is the second largest paint company in India.
Risk factors should be considered before investing.
Berger Paints Ltd faces strong competition which will reduce demand in the future due to loss.
The company is a global company and its shares are traded on various stock exchanges which reduces the risk of loss
Always review the financial ratios and financials of the company which are readily available on various websites
Understand the Fund performance, type, and category.
Do not invest without understanding the tax rules of equity and debt.
Berger PaintsShare Price Target Ltd is the second largest paint company in India by market capitalization. The company headquarters are located Kolkata in West Bengal. The company has nearly 16 manufacturing units across India and 2 manufacturing units in Nepal. The company has more than 25,000 Crores clients and a working strength of more than 3600 employees in the company. The company is an international company with branches in 5 countries outside India (Pakistan, Nepal, Russia, Bangladesh & Poland). The company has a market capitalization of more than 69,000 Crores. Stocks of the company are currently trading for 587,40. The average price gain of the company's shares over the past 30 years is 5.1%. The company's stock prices are estimated to be 45 percent overvalued. The company's future prediction of the share price is done through Berger's Paints share price Target 2024. The company's targets are also fixed and the company's share price target is fixed every year whereas the company's predictions are made every 5 years.